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How do you deal with unacceptable behavior I am heartbroken. Im married 8 years, but been with my husband for 1. Before we got married we had problems, mainly due to my husbands drinking. Him partying too hard, staying out all night, turning off his phone, not contacting me for days, me not knowing who he is with or where he is. His mum and sisters always had my back, but they never really challenged him. I got so fed up with his behaviour. The final straw was when I went to a work day out at the races, and he went partying the night before and lied to me he was meant to be off drink. I had enough, and we broke up for 9 1. Envision Webcam Driver Download' title='Envision Webcam Driver Download' />In that time, things got worse for him. He was turinig up to work, clocking in, and then sneaking off to the nightclubs when he was on night shift, drunk driving and taking drugs. His job found out and sent him to a rehab center. He stayed the month and wrote to me weekly, asked me to go up, so he could right all his wrongs with me. I felt I was unable emotionally to face him, because I was stil grieving for him So I wrote to him instead, and told him how it affected me, and what it had done to me and us and I couldnt take it anymore. He said it really helped him to open up in rehab and he thanked me. He got out, and returned to work, began going to the gymn again and regular meetings. Tif To Pdf. He wrote to me again and begged for one more chance. So I did, we got married that year, and tried to adjust to the new lifestyle. Envision Webcam Driver Download' title='Envision Webcam Driver Download' />We were still young and had our arguments, and I had still a lot of trust issues with him. It took me a while to get over that he now did no socialisng with me, as in events, weddings christenings etc, anything where drink was involved, so I carried on going on my own. He stopped going to AA meetings and took up kick boxing. He loved it, but it replaced the drinking, and it was all he thought about and talked about. He watched it on tv, youtube etc. We bought a house in the country, keeping away from old friends of his, etc. I found it hard to adjust, because I missed the handiness of living in town, near work, friends and family. He went back and finished his apprenticship, which he abandoned during his crazy days. Welcome to the Blind Bargains audio content page, featuring interviews, presentations, and updates on the latest in technology. Here is a listing of the audio content. Pam, Anna, and Betty, all active AlAnon members, are talking about how they deal with unacceptable behavior. How to locate a meeting. And when he finished up that, he went out for a game of pool with his classmates. I got a phone call to say that he was seen in a bar drinking. I said, no way, couldnt be him, must be mistaken, but it was him, and I didnt see him for 3 days. I was so gutted, so sad, heartbroken, zero trust, angry, etc. He felt bad and was going to do what it took to make things right, but he still felt that what he was taught in AA didnt quite match what had just happened. He was told that if he began drinking again, his life would become unmanagable, and it actually didnt. So he battled with this and it caused more tension between us. I was just so bloody angry, full of resentment, and I was also in a job I hated, so I was miserable. He said he wasnt happy about the way things were and he felt all I did was hassle him about housework. Download the latest Genius Speaker device drivers Official and Certified. Genius Speaker drivers updated daily. Download Now. Attorney Ken White, who blogs under the nom de guerre Popehat on issues including free speech laws, told Gizmodo it would not be impossible for Damigo to have a. At a White House press conference today, President Trump accused former FBI director James Comey of perjuring himself before the US Senatea very serious charge. It takes a lot to win a share of crowd loyalty in Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York City in the year of the resurrection of Roger Federer. It takes so much that it did. PLEASE NOTE If your webcam plugs into a USB or FireWire port in your computer or is builtin to your monitor then you do not have an IP camera. This page is now closed to additional comments. To continue the discussion please go to the latest WWWH page. This is for a discussion about Where Warm Waters Halt. So I stopped hassling him and he came around again. He had a couple more binges that year, sometimes after an argument, or sometimes when he was really, really stressed. He felt is was a release. A redundency package came up at work and he took it, we rented our house out, and we decided to go to Australia for a year. We spent 3 months in Thailand first, because he wanted to do Thai boxing. We travelled around and he got to do what he wanted. No drinking over there, but he was always sneaking off in the mornings with our laptop looking up porn, and that made me feel so hurt We argued about that, and hed lie about it, then say sorry. When we got to Australia, he had another few binges, and then we were waiting to get sponsored and he was so stressed. Envision Webcam Driver Download' title='Envision Webcam Driver Download' />He became withdrawn and very distant. He was acting suspicious and I felt something was not right. I checked his phone and found that he had been texting or sexting someone else, someone he said he met online, in a chat room. I was so shocked and unbelievably hurt. All the way over there and no friends or family to turn to. He said he was sorry and that he was really stressed, and that he didnt feel attracted to me anymore, and felt bad about that, but he knew it was him pushing me away and turning to things outside the marriage to get him through. While I was hurting and trying to process everything, he went out and had another bender a few days later. He came home and sat down and cried his heart out, saying he just cant believe what he had done, and how he had been so selfish and hurt me so much. He agreed to a password on the computor, and I could know all his passwords for his social media sites, etc. That worked for a while but I still had so much suspicion. It was the beginning of the killing of my confidence. I havent been right since. We came home from Aus and he set up his own business. He had another binge and it led to him telling me that he only binges because he knows he wont get to drink again for months and months, so he may as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb and keep going. He said he is well able to have just one or two, or three and four, and be done with it. How do you know I asked, Seeing as though anytime you drank in the past, its been for days He then told me that hed been secretly drinking about 7 1. I didnt know about it. Just one or two or a few, nothing major. But that stung me so much, more lies and deception. We were at breaking point, so we agreed to see a counselor that had been recommended. He spoke with us and said he didnt think he was alcoholic. He said he was a problem drinker and that the drinking was a symptom, not the main problem. Because of husbands childhood, the counselor reckoned that that was why he turned to alcohol in times of stress. It was his only relief. He suffered with anxiety and bordering depression. This was music to my husbands ears. We came up with a plan, that when he drinks he only drinks at family occasions, at barbecues and the like, and that I monitor it. And when I see him getting drunk, I give him the nod and then he stops. That happened about 3 times. He got so cocky and less apologetic, and then he started to think he was just like everybody else, and could drink regularly. I am so confused as to whether he is an acloholic, or is it a symptom. He has on numerous occasions just had a few, but in company or at a party, he goes bananas and cannot stop until he passes out. He drinks concoctions of beer, vodka, shots, cocktails, wine etc. He cant go home, and then when he does, he sometimes goes off again the next day. He still thinks hes one of the guys and can just go out for a few, but if he does go out with friends, he loses them at some stage, and ends up back at a party with someone else, and no contact with me. It takes him weeks to recover emotionally and he is so angry and so hard to live with. It makes me really angry and hard to be around him, but I want to do all the husband and wife stuff. And because I dont trust him, or Im angry at him, we argue He is recently under a lot of pressure with work and has said he feels overwhelmed, but he has competely cut me off emotionally, like iceberg cold. It was around Christmas, after a few binges consecutively, that he became unbearable and blamed it on me, why he is so angry. His business partner then told him he was leaving, so he felt enormous pressure and was also competing for a sports comp, part of his work. I was going through my own stress and suffered terrible anxiety.