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Glossary of climate change acronyms and terms. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAAUAssigned amount unit. A Kyoto Protocol unit equal to 1 metric tonne of CO2 equivalent. Each Annex I Party. AAUs up to the level of its assigned amount, established pursuant to Article 3, paragraphs 7 and 8. Kyoto Protocol. Assigned amount units may be exchanged through emissions trading. Abatement. Refers to reducing the degree or intensity of greenhouse gas emissions. ACAdaptation Committee. The Adaptation Committee was established by the Conference of the Parties as part of. Cancun Agreements to promote the implementation of enhanced action on adaptation in a coherent manner. Convention, inter alia, through various functions. More information available here. Accession. An act whereby a State becomes a Party to a treaty already negotiated and signed by other States has the. Adaptation. Adjustment in natural or human systems in response to actual or expected climatic stimuli or their effects. Adaptation Fund. The Adaptation Fund was established to finance concrete adaptation projects and programmes in developing. Parties to the Kyoto Protocol. The Fund is to be. CDM project activities and receive. It is operated by the Adaptation Fund Board. More information available. ADPAd hoc Working Group on the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action. The ADP is a subsidiary body. COP 1. 7 in Durban in 2. Convention applicable to all Parties. The ADP is to complete its work by. COP and for it to come into effect from 2. More information here. Afforestation. Planting of new forests on lands that historically have not contained forests. AG1. 3Ad hoc Group on Article 1. A subsidiary body committee created by COP 1 to explore how to help. Climate Change. Convention 1. AGBMAd hoc Group on the Berlin Mandate. A subsidiary body created by COP 1 to conduct the talks that led to the. Kyoto Protocol. The AGBM concluded its work on 3. November 1. 99. 7. AIJActivities implemented jointly. Activities carried out under the Convention to mitigate climate change. The purpose was to involve private sector money in the transfer. See also JI Joint Implementation. Amendment. A modification by the COP to the text of the Convention. If consensus cannot be reached, an amendment must. Parties present and casting ballots. Annex I Parties. The industrialized countries listed in Annex I to the Convention, which committed to returning their. Article 4. 2 a and b. They have also. accepted emissions targets for the period 2. Article 3 and Annex B of the Kyoto Protocol. They. include the 2. OECD members, the European Union, and 1. Croatia, Liechtenstein, Monaco, and Slovenia joined Annex 1 at COP 3, and the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Czechoslovakia. Annex II Parties. The countries listed in Annex II to the Convention which have a special obligation to provide financial. Annex II Parties include the 2. OECD members plus the European Union. Windows 7 Repair Disk Download 64 Bit Free. Anthropogenic greenhouse emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities. AOSISAlliance of Small Island States. An ad hoc coalition of low lying and island countries. These nations. are particularly vulnerable to rising sea levels and share common positions on climate change. The 4. 3. members and observers are American Samoa, Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Cape Verde. Comoros, Cook Islands, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Grenada. Guam, Guinea Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Kiribati, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Nauru. Netherlands Antilles, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Sao Tome and Principe, Seychelles, Singapore. Solomon Islands, St. Kitts Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Timor Leste. Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tuvalu, US Virgin Islands, and Vanuatu. APAAd Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement. The APA was established to prepare for the entry into force of. Paris Agreement and for the convening of the first session of the Conference of the Parties serving as. Parties to the Paris Agreement CMA. Article 4. 1. An article of the Convention stipulating general commitments assumed by all Parties, developing or. Article 4. 2. An article of the Convention stating the specific commitments of developed country Annex I Parties only. Article 6 Supervisory Committee. A committee providing international oversight of track two joint implementation projects. Joint. implementation projects are carried out by sponsoring and recipient developed countries under Article 6 of. Kyoto Protocol with the recipient likely to be a country with an economy in transition. Track two is used if one or both of the countries does not meet requirements for the standard track. See track two. AWG KPAd hoc Working Group on further commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol. The. AWG KP was established in 2. Parties to the Kyoto Protocol in Montreal to consider further commitments. Kyoto Protocol for the period beyond 2. More. information here. AWG LCAAd hoc Working Group on Long term Cooperative Action under the Convention. The AWG LCA was established. Bali in 2. 00. 7 to conduct negotiations on a strengthened international deal on climate change. More. information here. BAP. Bali Action Plan. Included in the Bali Road Map, agreed at the Conference of the Parties in Bali, Indonesia. COP1. 3, introduced AWG LCA. Bali Road Map. The Bali Road Map was adopted at the 1. Conference of the Parties and the 3rd Meeting of the Parties in. December 2. 00. 7 in Bali. The Road Map is a set of a forward looking decisions that represent the work that. It includes the Bali Action Plan, which charts the course for a new negotiating process designed to. It also includes the AWG KP negotiations, the. Adaptation Fund, the scope and content of the Article 9 review of the Kyoto Protocol, as well. Berlin Mandate. Adopted at COP 1, the mandate that launched negotiations leading to the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol. BINGOBusiness and industry non governmental organisations. Biomass fuels or biofuels. A fuel produced from dry organic matter or combustible oils produced by plants. These fuels are considered renewable as long as the vegetation producing them is maintained or replanted. Their use in. place of fossil fuels cuts greenhouse gas emissions because the plants that are the fuel sources capture. Bonn agreements. Informal term for a political deal reached at COP 6 in Bonn, Germany, in 2. Buenos Aires Plan of Action. The Bonn agreements paved. Marrakech Accords later in the same year. Bonn fund. A special UNFCCC fund for contributions from the Government of Germany to cover costs of UNFCCC events held. Bonn. Brazilian proposal. A proposal by the delegation of Brazil made in May 1. Kyoto Protocol. It. Parties based on the cumulative. Parties historic emissions on the global average surface temperature. Bunker fuels. A term used to refer to fuels consumed for international marine and air transport. Bureau. A body responsible for directing the work of the COP. Its 1. 0 members are delegates elected by each of five. The Bureau includes the COP President, six Vice Presidents, the Chairs of SBI and SBSTA, and. Each of the Conventions subsidiary bodies also has a Bureau. CACAMNegotiating coalition of countries of Central Asia and the Caucasus, Albania, and the Republic of. Moldova. Capacity building. In the context of climate change, the process of developing the technical skills and institutional.