How To Negotiate Unholy Contracts
Updated feb 17 2015. Kipling meets Three Kings scammers pose as military personnel. Some names are invented some are lifted off real people plucked from news. Interstellar Trade Atomic Rockets. This section is basically a rough outline of Rick Robinsons Interstellar Trade A Primer. Youd probably be better off reading the full article but some people want executive summaries. Rick starts with certain assumptions and follows them to various conclusions about the interstellar economy. You can alter some of the assumptions yourself to tweak the economy to suit your science fictional background. Merchant Starship Costs. Assumption starships in the interstellar empire are equivalent to present day jet airliners. They go fast, can carry lots of people and cargo, and are the most advanced technology that can be massed produced. The ticket prices will not be similar between airliners and starships because FTL interstellar travel will probably take more than a few hours for the trip. Software Arc Text Command Autocad'>Software Arc Text Command Autocad. IMG_1691-768x576.jpg' alt='How To Negotiate Unholy Contracts' title='How To Negotiate Unholy Contracts' />The Professional Killer trope as used in popular culture. For most characters, killing people is not something they do on a regular basis. For an Affably. Therefore the starships will do fewer trips per year than airliners, so the starship passenger ticket price and cargo waybill will have to cover a larger share of the starships yearly expense. For comparison purposes we need an airliners average cost of running, but the corporations are remarkably closed lipped about that. Using a long series of estimations whose details can be found in Ricks article he concludes that the annual operating cost for an airliner is about 3. An airliners purchase price is 1. Your biggest exposure in life is arguably liability. If you are inattentive behind the wheel of your car even for a moment, and run over a small child, you could be. The HipCrime Vocab Whats a hipCrime You committed one when you opened this blog. Keep it up, its our only hope In recent decades science has rediscovered what primitive peoples intuitvely understood namely, that all living organisms profoundly interacts with one another and. A cargo jet can carry 5. Assumption starships are strictly orbit to orbit, they use space ferrys to transfer passengers and cargo between the starship and the planet. Assumption starship purchase price will only be about 1 million per ton of cargo capacity instead of 2 million, because starships are orbit to orbit, need no landing gear, need no wings, can use lighter structure because they accelerate under 1 g, and we will assume they can carry twice as much cargo per deadweight inert mass as a cargo jet. Assumption cargo starship operating cost is similar to cargo jet. Therefore it costs 3. This ignores taxes, station docking fees, and fuel. Assumption starship fuel is cheaper than cargo jet JP 4 fuel. Big assumption since JP 4 is about 1. Assumption the service life of a merchant starship is 3. So the starship initial purchase price is about 11. For The Witcher on the PC, FAQWalkthrough by Haeravon. Allowing physicians and patients more control over their lives and livelihoods is a revolution worth celebrating. Actually it will be closer to 15th due to the interest on the purchase loan. With creative maintenance, the service life might be longer than 3. Question how many cargos can a merchant starship carry in 1 year That is, assuming a full cargo turnover at each port of call, how many one way runs can the ship makeAssumption a one way trip takes three months. From departure planet orbit to FTL flight to arrival planet orbit. This is comparable to the Age of Sail. Assumption each trip requires one month for servicing, maintenance, selling the cargo, buying new cargo for the next run. This makes each trip four months from departure to departure, or three cargos per year. This means the ship owner must earn 1. That is, selling price at destination MINUS purchase price at origin must be 1. Therefore if the cargo was available for free at the origin the minimum selling price at destination is 1. The implication is that only very high value cargo can be profitably shipped interstellar. Assumption, average of 12 of retail price goes to shipping cost. Therefore the minimum price of interstellar imported goods are 2. The implication is that the only things shipped interstellar would be luxury goods, items with a very high value per weight. Jewelry, spices, fine liquor, designer label clothing. Maybe some high value per weight industrial goods, such as microchips. Not high mass items such as sports car, not with a 1. Bottom line is that you are not going to ship bulk goods like wheat, not at 1. Assumption the Gross Planetary Product GPP of a colony planet is 1. USA. If 2 of citizen income goes to imported luxuries and high value capital goods, it comes out to 2. Assumption Colony planet population is 1. Therefore the total shipping cost of imported goods is 1. Calculating backwards, this implies that 1. Fn 1905 Serial Numbers. The colony must export the same amount or it will run a trade deficit and import prices will rise. This is because if they dont export, the cargo starships cannot find cargoes to transport and sell at the next destination. Starships with empty cargo holds cost nearly as much to run as with full holds. They will have to make up the shortfall somehow, so they will raise the price of what they sell at this planet. Take simplest model two planets trading with each other. Each year, 1. 00,0. Assumption average cargo starship carries 1. This is less than seagoing cargo ships, but more than cargo airplane. This means there has to be 2. Since each ship can make 3 one way legs per year, then each ship will do three loadings. The implication is that the two planets combined merchant fleet is between 6. Of course if each ship carries more than 1. If the ships can carry 5. In practice this would not work very well, since the larger the cargo hold, the more difficult it is to find enough cargo on the planet to fill it. Passenger Traffic. Airliners carry about four to five passengers per ton of equivalent cargo capacity. Url Hunter Download. However airliner trips are only a few hours. Interstellar passengers cannot live in their seats for three months. Assumption Each interstellar passenger berth equals one ton of equivalent cargo capacity. This includes the passenger, their baggage, the berth, apportioned galleydiner space, and food. The direct result is that the cost of the passenger ticket is the same as the cost of one ton of cargo 1. You are not going to get much tourist traffic, not at those prices. How To Negotiate Unholy Contracts' title='How To Negotiate Unholy Contracts' />A few rich people and business travellers. Problem you must have large scale passenger traffic for the colony network to exist at all. In a word Colonization. Probably several times that for extra stuff like tractors and horses. Harry S. Truman May 8, 1884 December 26, 1972 was an American statesman who served as the 33rd President of the United States 19451953, taking the office. In helping couples to successfully negotiate the ending of their marital relationship, it is vital for the divorce professional to understand the underlying dynamics. Despite the public, political, and business interest in greater broadband deployment, not every American has highspeed internet access but whos really to blame. Even worse, since the new colony will not have any exports, the cargo starship will have not cargo buy for the next trip. So the starship captain will have to charge round trip prices for a one way trip. It could total to around 1 million per colonist. The problem is that our assumptions have made it so that only millionaires can afford the ticket, but millionaires do not want to go live on some jerkwater frontier world. Sending 1. 0,0. 00 colonists to a new world could cost 1. Our price schedule has made interstellar colonization unlikely in the first place. We will have to change some of the assumptions. Lucky for us, there is some room to bring the costs down. How To Negotiate Unholy Contracts' title='How To Negotiate Unholy Contracts' />We can make the merchant starships cheaper, or make them faster. We shall do both. Assumption annual starship service cost is 1. This is reasonable, since starships are not stressed as much as airliners at least not orbit to orbit starships. Assumption starship purchase price is 5. With the 3. 0 year service life, the purchase price is now 16th of the total lifetime service cost instead of 11. Within interest payments this may be closer to 13th. Assumption a one way trip takes 3. This means the cargo starship can deliver 1. Assume 2. 7 days is transit, 8 days is for servicing, maintenance, selling the cargo, and buying new cargo for the next run. Crunching the numbers, the minimum profit per ton of cargo or passenger ticket is now 1. The cost for colonists provisions and no return cargo is probably about 1. Thats more like it. In the reach of the middle class. This price schedule makes interstellar colonization viable.