Download General Officer Aide Handbook

Leia Organa Solo Wookieepedia. Master Qui Gon, more to say, have youDownload General Officer Aide Handbook For EmployersDownload General Officer Aide Handbook Of TexasIt is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. Leia Organa Solo. Hair color. Dark brown 5 graying slightly6But it is she who leads the battle, yes, hmmPrincess Leia Organa. Bold. Strongher mothers blood flows through her. YodasrcLeia Organa Solo born Leia Amidala Skywalker was, at various stages of her life, a politician, revolutionary, and Jedi Knight of the New Jedi Order. On Tuesday, Baltimore news outlets shared footage from a January drug bust where an officer appeared to record himself planting drugs he would later say belonged to a. Get the latest breaking news across the U. S. on ABCNews. com. Search the worlds information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what youre looking for. Download General Officer Aide Handbook For The New Paradigm' title='Download General Officer Aide Handbook For The New Paradigm' />Download the free trial version below to get started. Doubleclick the downloaded file to install the software. Leia Organa Solo born Leia Amidala Skywalker was, at various stages of her life, a politician. The Stotrupp was abolished after the failed 1923 Beer Hall Putsch, an attempt by the NSDAP to seize power in Munich. In 1925, Hitler ordered Schreck to organize a. QXt-4/526x297-ouQ.jpg' alt='Download General Officer Aide Handbook Template' title='Download General Officer Aide Handbook Template' />The daughter of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Senator. Padm Amidala of Naboo, Leia was the younger twin sister of Luke Skywalker, and, shortly after her birth, she became the adopted daughter of Bail Organa and Queen. Breha of Alderaan, making her a Princess of Alderaan. An accomplished Senator, Leia Organa was most famous for her strong leadership during the Galactic Civil War and other subsequent galactic conflicts, making her one of the galaxys greatest heroes. Later she married. Han Solo, and became the mother of their three children Jaina, Jacen, and Anakin Solo. Around the start of the Swarm War, Leia unknowingly became a grandmother through Jacens daughter Allana. She had a forceful personality and bright intellect, having accomplished much in her youth she was a strong proponent for the Rebel Alliance, the youngest Senator ever of the Galactic Empire at eighteen standard years of age, and a member of the Royal Family of Alderaan. Years later, she was instrumental in the creation of the New Republic, and was elected to the position of Chief of State, serving twice in that office. Due to her powerful Force heritage, Leia, following her familys legacy, became a Jedi Knight in the New Jedi Order. She was partially trained by her brother Luke and later by Jedi Master. Saba Sebatyne, who declared her a fully trained Knight at the end of the Swarm War. This training would serve her well as the galaxy teetered on the edge of collapse into civil war once more during the Second Galactic Civil War, although it complicated her allegiance. During this conflict, Leias son Jacen turned to the dark side of the Force, becoming the Sith Lord Darth Caedus. Leia and Han became determined to destroy Caedus, feeling that their son was already dead. However, it was their daughter Jaina who ended his life in a lightsaber duel that also concluded the war. Glitter Trail Cursor. In the aftermath of Caedus death, the Solos became the guardians of their granddaughter Allana, at the behest of her mother, Tenel Ka of Hapes, and remained two of the galaxys most important figures, standing with the Jedi Order amidst the tensions that arose between it and the government of Chief of State. Natasi Daala. Biography. Birth on Polis Massa. Leia shortly after birth. A Humanfemale, Leia was born on the asteroid colony of Polis Massa in 1. BBY, shortly after the start of the Great Jedi Purge and the formation of Palpatines Galactic Empire. Her heavily pregnant mother, the Naboo. Senator. Padm Amidala, had been suffering a Force choke by her spouse. Anakin Skywalker, a Jedi Knight who had fallen to the dark side of the Force. Amidala had been brought in a panic to a hospital of the Polis Massa Base by Jedi Master. Obi Wan Kenobi, who had arranged rendezvous with Yoda, Grand Master of the Jedi Order, and Senator Bail Organa of Alderaan. Due to Amidalas condition, the Polis Massan surgeons were nearly forced to remove the twins she was carrying, but the children were born just in time. In a few, feeble breaths, Amidala named her twins Luke and Leia. The Senator died mere moments after their birth, effectively orphaning Leia and her older twin brother. The medtechs of the Polis Massan facility had been struggling to save Amidala, but their efforts had been in vain. With the twins father believed dead on Mustafar, Bail Organa wondered what the Jedi intended to do with Luke and Leia. Obi Wan Kenobi and Yoda knew that the children, both strong in the Force, had to be protected from2 the inherently evil1. Emperor Palpatine, who intended to hunt down the remaining Jedi. Amidalas corpse was sent back to Naboo, with the instruction of making it look like she was still pregnant. In this way, nobody would know of the childrens existence. When they decided it would be best if the twins were separated, Master Kenobi suggested that he would take the boy, and Master Yoda would take Leia. However, Yoda disagreed, arguing that they should wait for the right time before training the twins in the ways of the Force. At that point, Bail Organa offered to adopt baby Leia, as he and his wife were childless and longing for a daughter. The Jedi agreed, and the infant boy Luke was sent to live on Tatooine with his fathers stepbrother Owen Lars and his wife Beru. As promised, Leia was adopted and raised by Bail Organa and his wife, Queen. Breha Organa,2 who had been friends of Amidala during the antecedent conflict known as the Clone Wars. Through adoption, Leia Amidala Skywalker became known as Leia Organa, Princess of Alderaan. Nineteen years would pass before the twins saw each other again. Adoption into the House of OrganaI had a very happy, stable childhood. Two parents who were very much in love with each other. I was raised on politics, but it never harmed the family. Resisting the Empire never seemed to conflict with storytime, or trips together as a family, or. Or wonderful, sunlit afternoons spent riding my thranta. Leia OrganasrcBaby Leia with her adoptive parents, Breha and Bail Organa. Leia, the orphaned daughter of the Naboo Senator and the fallen Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, was given a loving home within the House of Organa,2 one of the galaxys so called Ancient Houses. Her adoptive parents could not have children of their own,2. Leia became the crown princess,1 and, as such, was formally referred to as the Princess Leia Organa, of the Royal House of Alderaan. Although the Organas were not trying to hide the fact that Leia was adopted,1 they never informed the Princess of her parentage, nor did they reveal the existence of her twin brother. However, during the short time between her birth and her mothers death,2 Leia gained a faint memory of her mother as a beautiful and kind, yet sad woman. Leia had a large extended family to take part in her upbringing. It included Silya Shessaun, a mentor and friend of Amidala,2. Queen Brehas sister Deara,2. Bail Organas three sisters Tia, Rouge, and Celly, whom Leia later described as three redoubtable dowagers that made her girlhood an intermittent burden. Even though Leia was rather advanced for her age, having learned to speak and walk before the age of one, she did not show any signs of Force potentialmuch to the relief of her adoptive father, who knew that being a Force sensitive in Palpatines Empire would be a heavy burden. However, she had inherited her biological fathers gift, which surfaced for the first time in 1. BBY when her caregiver Memily was about to lean on a weakened railing overlooking a cliff. By throwing a laserball at it, Leia alerted Memily and saved her life. Because of the incident, Leia became a target of the Galactic Empire for the first, but certainly not the last time. Word of a child with extraordinary reflexes had reached the galactic capital of Coruscant, and Inquisitors. Ferus Olin and Hydra were sent to investigate. Tips for Succeeding as Aide de Camp. Congratulations on being selected as an aide de camp. This assignment is like no other assignment you have had. You were selected because of the successful career youve had thus far, but also for your potential to continue service for years to come. Being an aide is an amazing broadening assignment where you will get a glimpse into senior level military leadership. But its also difficult to prepare for. Before you do anything else, read the Armys guidance on serving as aide de camp  OfficerEnlisted Aide Handbook. Next, I encourage you to consider the following advice. U. S. Army Gen. Martin E. Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, walks with Vietnamese Chief of Defense Lt. Gen. Do Ba Ty at the Ministry of Defense in Hanoi, Vietnam, Aug. Link to photo. 1. Keep your poker face. If you do not have a poker face, get one quick. You are a wallflower and must maintain a stonewall face, especially in meetings or gatherings. Even keeled professional is the attitude of a good aide. Stoic composure will also be important during off duty hours and when away from the principal. People will try to work you for information. Theyre not malicious, they just want a little insight into what the principal is thinking. How will you respond when someone asks, How is the boss feeling about x or What do you think the boss wants me to do about x or just How is the boss doing You will hear these questions a lot. Be prepared with a canned, nondescript answer and never speak on behalf of the boss. Not all aides are equal. There is a difference between a 1 or 2 star aide and 3 or 4 star aides. The staffs are much smaller for the 1 and 2 star aides, where the aide will do most of the legwork and coordination. Expect to complete many tasks through personal involvement. A 3 or 4 star aide has more depth and a larger footprint to provide support to the principal, including a personnel tech, a secretary, a communications section, a personal security detachment, and perhaps an Enlisted Aide. A 1 or 2 star aide will most likely have more one on one time with the principal. At any level, an aide can expect to spend more time with the principal than they do with their family. As a 3 or 4 star aide, you will delegate more tasks but ultimately you are solely responsible for the principal. The aides for the 3 or 4 star will also end up being the coordinator for subordinate and lateral leaders and support staffs. This can involve fellow general officers, SES executives, foreign government officials, foreign military officers, spouses, andor family members. Try not to take on too much, but it is important to provide coordination to make operations go smoothly for your boss. Adjust your perspective. As a Major, you may have been responsible for a battalion or 3. It can be a daunting task and can become overwhelming, especially during a CTC rotation or while deployed. As aide de camp, your area of responsibility shrinks to one person. No one else matters. He or she is the sole purpose of your duty. You are there to support the principal in all endeavors. All your focus, energy, time, and resources are there to provide the boss with comfort, a good sounding board, smooth transitions, anticipation of requirements, and to keep him or her out of trouble. Time is not your own. General officers work long hours that are not always in the office. You will arrive in the office about an hour before your boss and leave around an hour after. You will be accessible 2. Your leash will likely be very short, especially in the beginning when the two of you are getting to know each other. Do everything you can to reduce family friction prior to beginning the aide job. Take some leave, set up auto pay for bills, invest in your spouse, take care of medical issues, whatever will free your mind for the impending duty. As many aides will tell you, the hardest part will likely be adjusting to the expectations and additional strain on the family that accompanies the assignment. The inner inner circle. As the aide, you are now a privileged member of the principals inner circle. This circle only contains a few people. Usually it is the principal, XO, aide, spouse, and a couple of trusted agents to the boss. These people have privileged access to the boss. Acknowledge their status but dont be intimidated. If a conflict arises, say with errant information or a scheduling mistake, use extreme tact at all times and be respectful. It is not your job to solve issues between the principal and his or her trusted agents, like the spouse. Untold stories. You will never be able to retell the stories your boss will inevitably share. They will be humorous and insightful, but can also be destructive and disparaging if spoken outside of your circle. Communication with your principal is privileged and you must never let it go to your head. Always keep your wits and apply common sense at every opportunity. Become a master traveler. You are the trip planner and executor for all travel. Focus on the transitions throughout the trip car to airport, meeting to meeting, etc. Botched transitions become significant emotional events for you. Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse. Send someone ahead on advance, if you can. Use guides to conduct escort and link up operations. Establish comms and check them frequently. How Do You Download Software Via Ds Download Play. Have a pre established comms card with primary, alternate, contingent, and emergency means for communications amongst your team. Dont forget to maintain contact with the rear for changes and assistance. DTS hate it but know it. You are the Defense Travel System DTS guru. Learn as much as you can about DTS before day one. An Ordinary Sonic 1 Rom Hack Sonic Retro Mods. Always check variations authorized this can provide flexibility in your orders and cover you against liability if you have to make changes on the road. Call the lawyer. Always get a written legal review from your ethics lawyer prior to travel, engagements, gifts, major events that the boss may or may not be a part of. The ethics lawyer will be one of your close friends. Their responsiveness is paramount and critical for the boss. Provide an explanation if the lawyer says no to any activities, but provide alternate means to achieve the boss requirements. Retain a large book that catalogues all travel, gifts, and legal reviews in the event there is an investigation. Most general officers go through several investigations. Having this information catalogued in a detailed, precise, and accurate manner will help keep the boss out of hot water. Keep the boss out of trouble. Perception is everything. Outsiders will make assumptions about what they think they see, even if your team is doing the right thing. The aide is the first line of defense in shaping how people view the boss. It is very important to keep the teams actions above board and blatantly in the right. The aide can also be the eyes and ears for the boss. The boss will focus on whatever topic is at hand, but you can assist by listening to side bar conversations, studying body language, and picking up on non verbal responses. You can also conduct informal surveys for the boss and provide this feedback later. These atmospherics enhance the boss understanding of what occurred. Finances. You will most likely be the bearer of petty cash. This is money to take care of the little things the boss pays for, including registration fees, lunch, drinks, over the counter medical items, supplies, etc.