Download Atc Simulator 2012 Pc
Microsoft Flight Simulator often abbreviated as MSFS or FS is a series of flight simulator programs, marketed as video games, for the Microsoft Windows, and earlier. After the release of subLOGICs Microsoft Flight Simulator for the IBM PC, subLOGIC backported its improvements to other computers as Flight Simulator II. This. ATCsimulator2 by Aero. Soft. FS2. ATCS. Add on. Air. Traffic Control made REAL ATCsimulator2 HD is the. Download Atc Simulator 2012 Pc' title='Download Atc Simulator 2012 Pc' />ONLY PC game of its kind, being used in FAA approved. ATCsimulator2 HD is. ATC skills. To order. OVERVIEWScreen shown is 1. High Definition under Windows 7 Ultimate 3. Download Atc Simulator 2012 Pc' title='Download Atc Simulator 2012 Pc' />Unlike. ATC sims, ATCsimulator2 HD. NOT require an internet connection, nor is it dependent upon another. This product is completely, unequivically stand alone The way software should be FEATURESWith over 1. ATCsimulator2 HDProvides the largest collection of airspace sectors of ANY air traffic simulator on the market. Complex simulation allow you to experience the real life. Complete Air Traffic systems are simulated the legendary ARTS IIIa. STARSNo other sim offers both1. Los Angeles, Las Vegas and Miamiand other famous high capacity airports Compatibility with FS9. FSXMultiplayer bulit in you host the session. FS pilots Real traffic feed via Flight Explorer capability Advanced artificial intelligence AI pilots follow complex ATC routingsassignment of STARSSIDS are not the job of. TOWERENROUTE controllersFLIGHT Strips are represented. Custom Mapping Tool is available to create your own reference material. Session recordingplayback feature allow you to share your experience. Full voice control possible using Microsofts voice recognition technology. FREEWARE Create new Tracons, schedules and airplanes using the same editor ATC SDK. Over 1. 00,0. 00 flight plans and hundreds of airline liveries included Aircraft will follow complex instructions in SPEED, ALTITUDE. HEADING ALL commands conform to. FAA air traffic rulesprocedures 7. Instrument and Visual approach clearances are simulated Realistic airplane performances. REAL PILOT voices recorded by REAL peopleyou can even create your own voice for the. Some sectors contain the real world map used by real controllers ATCsimulator2 HD. Air Traffic Control simulation on the market for the PC. ATCsimulator2 HD. ATC simulation since Jan2. ATCsimulator2 HD. This is as close to the REAL THING Dont be. This is a SERIOUS SIMULATION er. But, it can also be FUN ATCsimulator2 HD. REAL. THING ATCsimulator2 HD. And it can only be purchased hereSPEECH RECOGNITION CAPABLEThere is nothing better than being able to simply speak. Our freeware. application ATA. Air Traffic Assistant is available for download from the product. Speech. Recognition. No other air traffic control simulator product on the market. FREE aerostudios has been the leader in air traffic speech recognition capability. ATA is compatible with Windows version prior to Windows VISTA7. For VISTA7 go to the main page and download ATClistenerGAME OBJECTIVEATCsimulator2 HD. Approach or Departure controller at. Terminal Radar Approach Control facilities of. United States National Airspace System NAS, or TRACONs as they are. Your goal is to allow for the safe and expeditious. It is your job to assist the pilots arriving at airports. It is also your job to assist pilots departing your airspace. Air Route Traffic Control Center ARTCC controller. EQUIPMENTATCsimulator2 HD. ARTS IIIa radar equipment used at the Mike Monroney. Aeronautical CenterMMAC in Oklahoma City, Radar Training Facility. All. of the dials and switches are simulated with photorealistic quality, and. Whenever. possible, the keyboard functions of the ARTS IIIa terminal are accessed. There are no fancy shortcuts. Windows GUI interfaces that do not exist on real ARTS IIIa equipment. Real controllers. And by the way, legacy radarscopes. Other game simulations available for the PC present. We strive to keep the simulation. So dont be fooled. CONTROLLING TRAFFICATCsimulator2 HD. There are rules governing separation laterally and vertically. You can issue climb and descents, turns, speed changes, holding instructions. You have every command you. HOW you use those commands is entirely. Its not what you know, its how well you USE what you know. MULTIPLAYER with Microsoft. Flight Simulator FS9. FSX P3. DOne of the most popular and successful software. Microsoft Flight Simulator. Second only to flight. With ATCsimulator2 HD. Flight Simulator pilot friends to. You control the action, you control the fun No waiting in line. Its true. realtime air traffic control on your own termsOur freeware utility FS2. ATCS. can be distributed to any Flight Simulator pilot interested in a truly engaging. REAL controller. FS2. ATCS is compatible with Flight Simulator. FS9. 8 through FSX and P3. D. CAREER ADVANCEMENTOne of your. In the real world, controllers are expected to do a good job. Failing. to do that can sometimes result in deadly consequences. Thats why air. traffic control is one of the most stressful occupations in the world. So, the scoring mechanism is such that you begin. Your goal is to maintain that and not lose points. Points. are deducted from 1. If. you can maintain an overall career average of 7. If you fall below that, you will be demoted. A complete. report is given at the end of each scenario telling you how well you performed. This material also includes references from. FAA Air Traffic Bible, the 7. TRAFFIC GENERATIONATCsimulator2 HD. Or, you can still select from over 1. No Battery Is Detected Vista Hp System here. FAA air traffic computer networks. Although SIDSSTARS. STRIP PRINTINGAnother feature of ATCsimulator2 HD. Whether. it be a randomly generated scenario, or one of the stored scenarios captured. FAA flight data, strip printing requires a simple checkbox selction. These strips are printed on your Windows compatible printer and print. The strips will only correspond with the active traffic. AIRPORT FILTERINGTo add variety to the simulator. TRACON to your liking. This will allow you to simulate exact controller. Plus, this reduces the traffic. TRACON, making for much more manageable levels when going. Level 5 facilities. In addition to opening and closing. DATA SOURCESThe airspace and associated. ATCsimulator2 HD. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. NOAA, Jeppesen and ARINC. Geographic data was derived from the National. Imagery and Mapping Agency NIMA and the United States Geological Survery. Flight data was captured from the FAA computer network utilizing Flight. Explorer. Only commercial and civilian traffic local to the area. TRACON. None of the traffic you will see is fabricated. REAL. As an extra bonus, we added a few video map displays that are the. ACTUAL maps used at various air traffic facilities. PILOT VOICESDuring gameplay, you can. Real prerecorded concatenated. Text To Speech voices. Using Microsofts TTS technology, you can use the. Speech SDK mentioned in the next section. There. is room for up to 1. Invite. friends and family to join in on the fun and add their voice to the game SCENARIO RECORDING and PLAYBACKATCsimulator2 HD. This makes ATCsimulator2 HD. A scenario can be recorded. The scenario player will allow playback. TWO MODES OF OPERATIONIn addition to the standard. ARTS simulation, you can also elect to control traffic using the latest. STARS mode, which is an acronym. Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System. This system is. being used across the country to replace existing ARTS equipment as. It is a computer driven system resembling that of a PC and. ATCsimulator2 HD. ARTS IIIa. console. MAP CREATION. PRINTINGTo assist the controller. Mapmatetm, you can print a custom map of. You can pick which elements you wish. Windows system printer.